We may not be exposed to cosmic dust, but we do have to deal with the common ‘Earth’ dust on a daily basis! Educational institutes, corporate offices, retail stores, travel terminus, shopping centres and many more are battling this force every day. INTRAmatting entrance matting systems which combines sleek, modern-design is playing a vital role in reducing the ingress of dirt and moisture into your premises. This unsung hero must receive the treatment it deserves, after all it is maintaining the aesthetic appeal and keeping the users safe. Entrance Matting must be cleaned at regular intervals.

The most fundamental and frequent cleaning should involve regular vacuuming of the matting. Daily cleaning with a rotating brush vacuum cleaner provides the best results, by lifting the dirt particles from the matting, and therefore greatly extending the life of the product. Vacuuming will also keep the fibres of the entrance matting upright and effective.

For open construction Entrance Matting Systems, which allows the fall-away of moisture and dirt into the matwell recess, the matting should be periodically (quarterly or monthly) lifted out of the matwell base (or rolled away depending on the system) and the base cleaned with a sweep or vacuum cleaner. Any debris caught between the matting channels should be removed and then the matting can be laid back into position. Be sure not to drag the matting, as this could cause damage.

Deeper cleaning of the matting should be carried out periodically (6 – 12 months), which ensures that matting appears and functions optimally. Water extraction cleaning machines should be combined with small volumes of detergent suitable for carpet cleaning. Dry cleaning processes can also be effective. The dry-cleaning product can be brushed into the mat and vacuumed out to remove the dirt.

Chewing gum is a stubborn substance that can become easily ingrained into flooring. This is especially true at shopping centres, retail spaces, office, and educational buildings. To prevent permanent hardening of gum, application of specialist freezing sprays and gels will aid the removal of chewing gum.

Properly maintained entrance matting will improve its longevity. As with all matting, when subject to heavy wheeled traffic (scissor lifts/pallet trucks etc.) it should be suitably protected with plywood boarding. INTRAmatting entrance matting systems have a modular design, which ensures that damages or worn inserts can be replaced or recycled cost effectively.

For the Entrance Matting to perform at its best, spending adequate time cleaning and maintaining is just as important as using the right machine, this will not only ensure the longevity of the product but also maintain the safety in the building. In the event of excessive wear, or to organise thorough periodic cleaning of your entrance matting, please contact your INTRAsystems representative for further information.


INTRAsystems is committed to the sustainable operation and development of our business and we are constantly seeking better ways to control and minimise the impact we have on our environment.

  • Manufactured in the UK

  • 100% recycled aluminium

  • Regenerated nylon yarns