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A building’s Entrance Matting System plays a key role in creating an inviting and safe environment for the users. The majority of dirt that enters a building is brought in on the soles of shoes and tyres of wheeled traffic. This can make interiors look dirty and unattractive and cause damage to interior floor finishes. This is where an effective Entrance Matting system can reduce the ingress of dirt and moisture in the building. Entrance Matting is one product that has played a pivotal role in keeping your facilities clean and safe, yet most people walk over it without realising it. Sports and leisure facilities are one such buildings that can really benefit from installing Entrance Matting, how? This week’s blogs will look into this very topic.
Typically sports and leisure facilities have to deal with a varied footfall and wheeled traffic, and being a facility where different sports are played, each sport brings its own difficulties for the cleaning staff. Football boots for example track in huge quantities of dirt and moisture as the dirt gets stuck in the studs of boots. Cricket can also contribute to the trafficking of dirt from its roller bags (Wheeled traffic), golf spikes and rugby boots are another hazard and the ingress of dirt can have drastic consequences if not cleaned properly.
First impressions count, a good Entrance Matting system is the first line of defence for Sports and Leisure facilities that take on a lot of dirt. We have found that a product such as INTRAbrush is perfect for sports and leisure facilities, as it is tough, durable and has superior dirt removal capabilities. It is made using high quality bristle brush designed to effectively remove coarse dirt particles. It is manufactured with one aim in mind – Longevity and durability, even under extreme traffic levels and excessive soiling. It has open construction to allow dirt particles to fall away into matwell base which makes it ideal for demanding areas such as Field Sports Grounds, Winter Sports Resorts, Racecourses etc. If you can combine INTRAbrush with an area of INTRAform DM with elite fibre inserts for maximum moisture removal, you have the ultimate barrier at your entrance.First is the problem of slips and trips, creating a health and safety hazard. Sports and leisure facilities are always busy with people, a slip/trip can damage its reputation and incur costs in settlements. Next is the damage to internal floor finishes. Dirt and grit are damaging materials which scratch and wear the internal flooring making it look unattractive and unsafe and need replacing sooner. Finally, the cost of maintenance, as a result of ineffective entrance matting more dirt gets trafficked in which increases the cleaning time and ultimately the costs.
INTRAsystems has gained considerable experience in manufacturing and installing Entrance Matting within this industry. No matter what shape the dirt comes in, you can be sure our Entrance Matting can ‘knock it out of the park’. Contact us today to know more about how our entrance matting can help save you money.