With the outbreak of COVID-19, health and hygiene considerations have been brought to the fore – and Entrance Matting is your building’s first line of defence.

Your entrance matting system helps remove contaminants from footwear and wheels to prevent them from entering your building. In times of increased risk, you can also combine disinfectant treatments and anti-microbial surfaces to create an aggressive infection control barrier.

Additional matting can also be used to communicate and support social distancing requirements. Download our Back To Work Essentials Brochure or contact our expert team to find out more.

Health & Hygiene Starts at the Door

It is estimated that an average of 0.58g of soil is brought into the building with every entrant. This dirt brings germs and other contaminants into your building that can damage the health of occupants, so stopping it at the door is your first step to improving hygiene standards throughout your building.

Our high-performance Entrance Matting effectively removes and retains soil and moisture, preventing it from entering your building via pedestrian and wheeled traffic which provides several benefits:

  • Improve hygiene
  • Reduce slip and trip hazards
  • Extend the life of internal flooring
  • Reduce cleaning requirements

With a greater focus on health and wellness in construction, an effective entrance matting system should be a key consideration.

The WELL Building Standard states that ‘Clean and well-maintained entryways can contribute greatly to improved indoor air quality’ and it provides clear guidelines on their effective installation:

All regularly used entrances to the building that have pedestrian traffic to the exterior should use an entryway system composed of grilles, grates, slots or rollout mats that are at least the width of the entrance and extend 3 m [10 ft] in the primary direction of travel.’

Understanding the Zonal System

A Zonal System is the most effective solution to tackle dirt and moisture. In addition to the size, you must consider how your entrance zones work together.

Here’s how it works:

  1. External Matting (Zone 1) is used to remove coarse dirt and grit particles prior to entering the building
  2. Heavy-Duty recessed Internal Matting (Zone 2) provides further dirt and moisture removal.
  3. Close fitted fibre products (Zone 3) thoroughly removes the remaining moisture

Which Products Should I Consider?

Our fibre range offers some of the highest numbers of tufts per square metre available on the market. The higher number of tufts, the better the fibre is at absorbing and retaining dirt and moisture.

With 92,990 tufts per square metre, our 100% Econyl INTRAlux Elite fibre is the most absorbent fibre in our range, offering almost 5.4l/m² of moisture absorption.

INTRAlux Ultima is also a preferred option as it includes monofilament scrapers to help loosen and remove particles from foot and wheeled traffic for improved hygiene.

Your Investment in Entrance Matting

Not only does entrance matting protect your flooring and maintain your building’s visual appeal, it also has many practical functions when it comes to health, hygiene and safety as it ensures as much debris and moisture is removed from the shoes of visitors as possible.

To find out more about the types of matting INTRAsystems offer, take a look at our complete entrance matting product range.

For infection control options please view our Back to Work Essentials Brochure or contact a consultant to discuss your specific requirements.

Keep Safe! Stay Positive!


INTRAsystems is committed to the sustainable operation and development of our business and we are constantly seeking better ways to control and minimise the impact we have on our environment.

  • Manufactured in the UK

  • 100% recycled aluminium

  • Regenerated nylon yarns