The majority of dirt tracked into your building is, unsurprisingly, as a result of dirty shoes; however, 85% of this dirt can be left at the door if your entrance mats are well-designed and maintained[1] – with additional cost-saving benefits to boot.

Entrance matting requires care and attention in order to do its job well – regular vacuuming or hosing will be part of any good cleaning schedule and, of course, these jobs take time.

If time is money and you’re attentive to your bottom line (aren’t we all?), you may wonder if investing in quality entrance matting – which may require a little more care, attention and planning than an economy solution – is really worth the extra cash.

In reality, a higher quality, more durable solution could improve the efficiency of your cleaning and maintenance budget long-term. Here’s why:

Once dirt finds its way into your building, it becomes increasingly difficult to remove.

Only a small amount of external debris is removed by the first few feet of entrance matting.[2]

It actually takes a further 15 feet of walk-off to capture the majority of the soil, which then prevents it from reaching the floor of your building – where it would proceed to look ugly, pose a slip hazard and create a far bigger mess to clean up.

Zonal matting takes a three-pronged approached to keeping dirt at bay.

Firstly, an outdoor heavy-duty drainable mat will scrape off the largest pieces of soil. Secondly, a recessed entrance mat in the foyer will remove any additional dirt and moisture and – finally – barrier fibre matting beyond the recessed mat will remove the final traces of dust and dampness.

A single, outdoor mat to scrape off mess simply won’t suffice – and neither will a fragmented approach, with a series of loosely-placed mats which can also pose a trip hazard.

Ultimately, when your matting system isn’t well-planned – and therefore not designed and fitted to your exacting requirements – your building will require deep cleaning of far larger areas, at increased cost due to the additional time and labour involved.

Furthermore, the daily spread of dirt will be visually unappealing to your guests and customers, while simultaneously putting them at risk of slips and trips.

Ineffective entryways have a host of consequences for your building – and your business.

The continuous traipsing of dirt through your building will soon cause damage to your flooring – calling for increased maintenance, refurbishment or even replacement, increasing your carbon footprint and taking up valuable budget.

Keeping up appearances is an important element of sustaining your reputation. Whether you’re encouraging customers to make a purchase or trying to win business from a new client, you won’t want them to associate scruffy floors with a shabby service.

Dirt and grime can even have a negative influence on your staff. ‘Sick building syndrome’ from biological contaminants[3] can lead to your workforce experiencing increased absenteeism and lack of morale – all of which add to the cost of running your business.

When it comes to removing soil from your building, the majority of this cost is labour.

More mess spread around the area equals more time spent cleaning – and more of your budget being spent on those hours.

It’s clear that keeping dirt caught and absorbed in purpose-designed matting is the best way to prevent a long-term drag on your cleaning and maintenance budget, while also preserving your positive reputation.

In stopping soil and water at the door, a quality entrance matting system will also store superior volumes of dirt so that it can be removed as part of your daily and weekly cleaning schedules to prevent it being tracked through the building.

In turn, your cleaning and maintenance efforts will be focused and easier to manage – and so will the cost.

Keen to find out more about quality entrance matting solutions which could reduce your business’ cleaning and maintenance costs? Get in touch with our experts today.





INTRAsystems is committed to the sustainable operation and development of our business and we are constantly seeking better ways to control and minimise the impact we have on our environment.

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  • 100% recycled aluminium

  • Regenerated nylon yarns