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Between client meetings and site visits, drawings, modelling, estimates and endless applications, there’s not much time left to cram in your annual RIBA CPD learning.
To help you fulfil this vital requirement, we’ve created a brand-new microlearning article to help you specify the perfect entrance matting system to meet your requirements without compromising on design and earn vital points whilst on the go!
‘Entrance Matting Specification and Design Innovation’, is the first and only RIBA-approved article on entrance matting and provides essential insight into the factors that affect specification including entrance matting legislation, performance ratings, LEED, BREEAM and WELL guidance and creative applications to enhance building design.
As one of just 24 articles in the Design, Construction and Technology core curriculum, the article is worth double points and takes just 5 minutes to read. The following topics are covered in depth, along with helpful images and illustrations:
- Entrance Matting functions and benefits.
- Sizing and the Zonal System
- Legislation and Sustainability factors
- Entrance Matting design possibilities
- Performance ratings and lifecycle
This new CPD article means you can earn some valuable points whilst travelling to or from the office, between meetings or even whilst waiting for your morning coffee.
We also offer a 1-hour RIBA-approved CPD seminar covering the topics in more depth, using product samples and client case studies along with a free breakfast or lunch.
To read the article or book a seminar visit