• H&M Stores


    SystemINTRAform DM LP
    SpecificationDouble Module Polyamide fibre inserts
    LocationUK & Europe

    Safe and durable

    Hennes & Mauritz, the world’s second-largest clothing chain, are expanding globally, with 400 new store openings planned before the end of 2015. The INTRAform DM system was designed for use in a 12mm deep version, so as to be compatible with both existing matwells and new. The double-width polyamide fibre inserts and robust aluminium construction provide optimum soil and moisture removal at all locations, and rapid installation due to the simple but effective interlocking plank design.

    H&M Stores business mats

    INTRAform DM Low Profile

    Heavy duty aluminium entrance matting that combines the performance advantages of extra wide fibre with …